Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Creation of Israel

Zionism is The movement dedicated to establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Many of the Jews began to feel the urge for their own country, a homeland for the Jews. The Jews finall got ther own homeland in Israel. There was only one problem they were surrounded by countries that hated them. The countries that surrounded the Jews did not want them to have a land of there own. Especially having it so close to them. Only one day after the Jews had settled into there homeland they were attacked by Arab and Palestine. This attack led to a Middle Eastern war between the Jews and the Paletinians. The Jews were all alone in their fight they had noone to help them. But on the Palestinian front they had Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Europe to back them up. Which was very unfair. After the war Israel had greatly incresed in size. It now had 8000 square miles. the Arab land was decreased by 50 percent. Jerusalem was divided, with Arabs on the east side of the Green Line and the Jews on the west.


Farah Lotfy said...


Unknown said...

I think you're missing out something very important here - the fact that as part of the same WWII reparations that ended up forming the basis for Israel, the Jews were actually offered a CHOICE of where they wanted this nation of their own to be. America, if memory serves, actually offered a sizeable chunk of perfectly good, uninhabited land in southern Alaska. The decision, however, was made to restore the Jewish homeland of Israel in its historic location - Palestine - due to it being the holy land.

Long story short, it came down to a choice between uninhabited land where a Jewish state would have been surrounded by a welcoming and benevolent nation, or occupied land where it would have been surrounded by hostile indigenous peoples.

As I am not Jewish, I will not try to understand the religious motivation for choosing the latter - I'm not exactly familiar with the Torah. The point I wished to make was simply that the Jewish people having "a land of their own" did not necessarily have to entail that land being WHERE it is today.

Unknown said...

Fucking Christ, Alex, what a bunch of CRAP you've spouted. "Perfectly good, uninhabited land in southern Alaska"?? What the fuck was that suppose to expiate for? Why not just settle in Canada or the US and strike a bargain? The Jewish land is in Israel, with Jerusalem as its capital. The Arabs are those who are more than welcome to fuck off to southern Alaska. Go learn some facts before babbling complete bullshit.

Gr8ChairmanMeow said...

By the way, Alex should also note that the Palestinians had the offer from Britain to form THEIR OWN NATION. And they said "NO. All or nothing." So they got nothing.

And you know what they're fellow Arab brothers did when the Palestinians tried to move to other Arab countries? They said "Get out--but here, go stay at these camps and fester hate for Israel." Now that's a dramatization, but basically the Arab neighbors wanted the Palestinians to hate Israel so they could point the finger.

Gr8ChairmanMeow said...

their* Sorry for the typo :)