Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Creation of Israel

Zionism is The movement dedicated to establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Many of the Jews began to feel the urge for their own country, a homeland for the Jews. The Jews finall got ther own homeland in Israel. There was only one problem they were surrounded by countries that hated them. The countries that surrounded the Jews did not want them to have a land of there own. Especially having it so close to them. Only one day after the Jews had settled into there homeland they were attacked by Arab and Palestine. This attack led to a Middle Eastern war between the Jews and the Paletinians. The Jews were all alone in their fight they had noone to help them. But on the Palestinian front they had Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Europe to back them up. Which was very unfair. After the war Israel had greatly incresed in size. It now had 8000 square miles. the Arab land was decreased by 50 percent. Jerusalem was divided, with Arabs on the east side of the Green Line and the Jews on the west.