Tuesday, April 24, 2007

9th Grade Review- The Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution began after the Paleolithic Revolution. It was a time when nomands or hunters and gatherers began to advance there society. They built simple tools, cultivated crops and domesticated animals. The Neolithic Revolution or the Agricultural Revolution was a shift from food-gathering to food-producing. Noone really knows why the revolution began at this time but ome say it might have been because of the climate change in the region. The hugh and rising temperatures provided longer growing seansons and drier land for cultivating wild grasses. The excess of food help boom the population. As the population increased te more people were thinking of settling down and the more the idea of farming and cultivating looked attractive. It provided a seady flow of food unlike hunting.

The people of this age had many farming methods. One being the slash and burn method. This was when they cut tress or grasses and burned them to clear a feild. The ashes that were left behind fertilized the soil and made it good for farming. The people also used the method of domesticating animals for food. They learned that if they put the animals in a man made pen they coul keep and tame them and have a good and constant source of food for there growing society.

Villages were usually run by Couvil of Elders made up of the head of the house hold of various families. When resorces slowed the villages went to war. The great warriers in the battles usually became head of the villages. New technologies arose from this new way of life they farmers creted simple metal tools like plows. Some might have used animals to pull them to make work easier. They created simple calenders to keep track of harvest . They also created tools for when they had to battle against other villages and to protect their valuables. Many of these civilations built there society near fertile lands by rivers.

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