Monday, April 23, 2007

The European Union

The European Union is an alliance of 25 nations. It began after the end of WW2 as an economic union. After the USSR collapsed the EU became the competiting super power against the US. The EU decided to create there new currency. It was caled the Euro. Many were skeptical of the release on January 1 2002 but they began to like it. Euro is now traded much more times a day than the US dollar. The EU nations are kind of like the States in the US. The people of the Union were able to move to any of the 25 nations and be able to live and work witout any papers just like the US. This was not in place 10 yrs ago.

The EU is the 3rd largest country in the world. Becasue of the size ,the European Union has become an important economic force in the world. If the US which has 300 million citizens has to trade with the EU with 500 million citizens they have to follow by there rules and abide by there regulations. The EU now has there own parliament, military, and various organizations and committees that help maintain cooperation and trade between the EU member nations. There Economic Unions were sucessful and grew into other economic societies. So I guess the EU was a good thing. It helped stop the accurance of war in Europe.

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