Thursday, April 12, 2007

NATO and The Warsaw Pact

NATO was officially established on April 4, 1949 with the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty. It was formaed because Western Europe found themselves too weak politically and militarily to prevent the spread of the communist "iron curtain" on a national level. The NATO or North Atlantic Treaty Organization was a a defensive military alliance set up because of the fears of Soviet Aggression in Europe after the Berlin blockade. They feared that this blockade would heightened The Soviet Union to retaliate and then attack. The organization was made up of ten western European nations, United States and Canada. If any of these NATO memebers were attacked the situation would be met with armed forces by all member nations. The nited Staes suplied the western European Nations with arsenal to keep the Soviet ground invasion under control. NATO technology became so advanced that the Soviet power was totally diminshed. After Communism ended the NATO became political instead of military.

The Warsaw Pact was set up 5 years after the formation of NATO. The Soviet Union saw NATO as a threat and as a security blanket formed there own alliance. The Pact included the Soviet Union, East Germany, Czechoslavakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania. The prompt for this organization was to remilitarize. The Soviet Union had very good ground control. Although they were much more powerful than NATO there techhnology soon fell behind which was not very advantagous to them. The Pact lasted throughtout the Cold War but later was ldissolved because coutries dropped out.


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