Sunday, March 25, 2007

Film Lesson: "Shindler's List"

{Scene from Film: Shindler's List}

The movie "Shindler's List" was a very informative and disturbin film. It really showed me how the Jews were treated. The film depicted the harsh and rough circumstances the Jews went through. Being cleared out of ther homes with only a few treasurd items. Sent to the Ghettos havin to live with many other famiies in a jam packed apartment. Trying to survivr an make sure yuor family is alright. Not knowing what would happen to you in the coming days. That must have been extremly hard to deal with. The film showed how they were focefully taken out of the ghetto. They couldnt carry ne of ther personal belongings they were all thrown in the streets. The ones who tried to escape were killed. if you didnt have your paper you were shot most were shot execution style right in there heads. The jews who survived were asked to strip of there clothers and run. This was done to seperate the healthy from the sick. Then they were loaded into trains and carried to the concentration and death camps.

There were a few powerful scenes in this movie. One being the Jewish family in the Ghetto who rapped the jewelry and valuables in bread and ate them when they had to leave the ghetto. The did this so the Nazi would not take the valuables away. Another scene was the liquidation of the Ghetto when the Nazi went nd killed all the Jews who were hiding. It intrested me that the Jews could find such intresting places to hide. They taped themselves to beds. Made holes in the floors that ould not esaily be detected. Some hid in the roofs of the houses and children took refuge in the toilet pits and inside pianos and cupboards.

There are many imags that will stay with me but two that stuck out the most to me was the cicumstances the Jews went through in the trains goind to the concentrtion camps. Ther were crammed into the cars no food no water and it was extermely hot at first then they went into poland and it waz freezing. They were tryin to find hope inside themselves not knowing what was about to hapen. Not knowin that they were about to die. Another image that stuck out to me that will stay with me forever was the sight of the children being hurdled into the trucks being taken to be killed. They were not even aware of what was goin on. They were so happy thats the fact that saddens me the most. They were so young and neive. The sight of the mothers crying for there children as also very depressing and sad.

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